Well Record Page 1 2 of WATER WELL DRILLERS FORM Well ID: Dtptrtmlnt or Etwfronment Weier RHOUl'C .. lee.Han y.:,10 To be assigned by Dept. 01 Environment -W...Woil llotlSlf\l Melrlc O lmpertal 0 Boa 2703 WIIR•'-· Yukon Yf A 2c, 4. Please print clea~y blue or black ink. in INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE FORM 5. Completion submission of this form is the responsibility of and t. Additional information provided boltom this page Is al the of form on 2. the drilling contractor. 2. 867 667-3171. Quesllon directed Water Resources at can be to 6. for all Please specify metric or imperial units measurements. 3. All wen construcllon measurements be reported m or It. Shall to 0.1 0.3 A1 Well Name: l ,· .. Optional (I.e. c,ty wea No. 2) WELL LOCATION AND OWNER'S INFORMATION ------- First Last Name Oepnrlmenl Organ1za1.,,. Name Corrfp 4oy I I A2 Drilled For: --'I_A~-~-<~E~ __ !lo' B\Q.1E.N T'-l ------~~-- Sketch of Well Location A3 Street Address Well of Location: 11 \..\0 Du N N cA- ROAQ I In sketch, Indicate distances lrom praperty n, seplc Ueki, fuel lank(•) and buildin!I, Please include Norlh arrCM. A4 Town /Vlll~e I Al.ea/ Lot#: j ~ - \·; .. Gc::,~,rorV) 'j A5 UTM Coordinates (using handheld GPS): NAO Zone c=J. Easirng · Northing m Elevation ofTop Casing:;, of ...,! ,--___ _,! ~L A6 A7 Accuracy of GPS;:~I - ~-----""'---'-'=--'J +/· m I® Purpose of Wells A8 Iii Domestic Well D D Test Irrigation OEnvir D D Commercial Municipal D D Observation • Water Level Othe t\ .,........, ,,.er,my,t1sw Industrial Agricultural Public/Recreational O D t I LOG OF OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS (All below circle appropriate units, use depths are ground sUlface, descriplors provldodJ ........,_ .,.___ :• 1------~- .... -----~---i ~----"'---'---~-'-I t---------'-~-; -- : ,..._ 1---~----i 1--"'----'------·r-------------; 1"1, __________ --1 -- ...__ r---------1 ,_ _______ .,., ~---------- t------------t , I"---- ·'·1-------~--1 i;--------1 .... -----~-'-------'-! ,-----------1 ' ~ i---.- :1----------1 r----- .----1 r------~-'-----, r------~----- - B8 Permafrost Encountered: D NO Ovcs II yes , Indicated depth ( m :_,®: ~om:i::::::i to c=:::::1 WELL CONSTRUCTION /C••- on P•g• 1/ , ExampJe 2005 or sr 0 . C1 Drllllng Method iii Ai; Rotary (Convenllonai) O~g oil,~, {pleases,-Hy) C2We11Type: ,..;,., .. goologlcalmal~b ... . . I I water pn:,dug,g zone localtd"f D Rowrse Air Rotary Cabla Tool D . , OIIERIII/AOEN ' ~OIIOCI( 0 MudRotery Auger (Hollow/ Solid Stem) 0 Casing /deptl,llofowgrount1sutt«,.p14.,.cir<;1eopproprl,t•units/ C3 C4 C5 Outalde Cuing Materlal ,•:l1ai1Thk:kl)fl0' _ ,i:. C~Ct•iB. tht . . .. ,o Dl1mot1r ( cm,@J I ~=•~----, _ .. ..,.,E) 0th .. ._j __ __, VO{S302)F2 09/2006 An . WELL CONSTRUCTION {CanUnwd(n,mP, .. 1/ Well Re~orcl _ 2_ Page~ of Su rfaca / Environmental Seal (depth below ground surfi!co, please circle apr;irocirlale units) CS Sul Ma!aSi@.) _ _ __ , ,nng 01'\tiirssAdaPll>r~...;.;. lilAir~, l . . olllng A!fµfting (__Jtm'® B;Jlling ' P!) '1/tll jN(?T PEl\\llTTE[i) D8 Med10d Used to . B=c Of:lonn(Well qci!'~~tell} D7Wetl Abandonment St1tuo Es Well Yield ff mate Was lhe well properly decommluloned l»Airllltlng D6 Final Well Stalus Wllh bentonlte grout? YES D D ·O • Water Supply (In use) Not In use Abandoned D o,y ONO : Stand (Back-up) by Deepened ,.-,..., Oa.,,_ i., ... , D .O II Dale: YES, lndlcale D 0 , - - ·J Observatloo .' 0ther~,,=-- "' "' PultwJlngTulReotdJ . - I l YVVVMMOO F1 Well DATA Water Leval Drawdown/Recovery PUMPING TEST RECORD AND GROUNDWATER QUALITY (All depths dR:ltt app,opna/e below (ltOUtrd. uniu) Drawdown Recovery Ttme W•ler L....., Tkne W,1,_, ltlWII E1 Pumping Test Information RECOMMENDATIONS _ _ _ /nmJ (hlJ M , -' mwt) (m fHJ P,umpi .11gT0st Start Date :, 0 : '0 {SWL) (FWL) .,Recomm.P~ Dii@)! 1- I 1 . J' - f(m.@I YYYYMMOJ), :i Stauc Water [:eve! (SYIL) : Recomm. Rate: Pumping r· ,- -., -. i(Lpsl@>) , -~ ----~(ml€) Pump Intake Set at: provide rale: H .. I _ __ J8 D 0 Turbid/cloudy D EleclricaJ ConducU\llty: c::J us r·~:1:~~•k eii;;, l ;J name of lhe laboralory. D Trace sand presonl pH: 'c;;;:::J . Y M" M D D ·y y· I/ . No sand presenl D ~•lure: c:::J ·c Chemlc1t Analyala o!Water Well DlIlnfect1on GroundwllerType sample taken? DYES O NO yes. Was a ndicalo II the Was the well disinfected upon complelion Osatty Dale '.sample /abonllory. Taken: name lhe ol ol lhe pump 1n,1alallon? YES NO O O Sulph / Egg Odour 0 .. I - I I 'I '""'.'Yc--,Y,,.-..,.Y,-vc-'-"Mc"', -i,t.,-~ o~o-' D Organic I Taite oao .. Jjrlelly . clOn compiellng lhls lorm, W•ler Auourc•• s.dlon tV-310), lnlorm•lioll and PtOlecllon (A1IPP) ol Prl~ Ac:I. SocUon 29 (c) and wiM be used lo a compile pa. mal o, ru ii to: Oeparlrnanl ol Em•in;inmtnl, 118 GOYernment ol t 'r\.lkon BOI 2703, :.~:;~~~~,~!:. ~n;::~=:~: !1;;;~':1~~~~~~::::~:;tact u,. Whllehor•, Yukor1, C1n1rt1 VIA 2C6 I-B00·661-