c-L Well Record Page 1 2 of \(.kon WATER WELL GOWf'M'!enl DRILLERS FORM Well : ID 0.pffl!Mnl of Erwlronment w.tar R .. oural hCUOrlV-310 To be assigned Depl. metil by 01 Erwl ron Mon W•r W.N Reglltry Melric lrnperbl O ® 8ol ZTUMlltlf'lone , YulonY1A 2CI 4. Please pr i in ink. nl ciea~y blue or black INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE FORM 5. Completion and of is form is the responsibility of submiSSkm th 1. i information Is provided at the bottom of form on 2. Adcht onl!II 1h is page the drilling contraclor. 2. Q\Jesllon can 867 667-3171. be dlrecied lo Waler ources Res al 6. specify metric or imperial units all surements. Pl ease for mea 3. Al well cons1ruction measuramenls shall be reporled 1 0 0.1 m or 0.3 N. WELL LOCATION OWNER'S INFORMATION AND A Well 1 Opllonal (i.e. . 2) Name : '"' -----~' C•ly Well No Atll Nain, st Name I 0tqani1a!k>n La conya 1:r I I Oepartm~ A2 Drilled For: ~_D_ E _tc_O_lfV_A_.:2~.D~S~~' _-P.>_Q_A __ ~II ~ ''------------~ Sketch of W.11 Location A3 Street Well Location: Address of I I 2. S \ R O iv-E..Q 12 i VE. In sketch , lndicale lrom H dts\s1ce.s property ne. MPfc: n.ld, kad tanlt(1) budding. and PINN lrdud• Nonh urow . A4 Town IVUlage /"ArH /Lot#: .._I __ CA- __ rZ. _ M A _--'- -'- Ccc~_l(_~ c..._ ___ ~ AS UTM Coordinates (using handheld GPS): NAO [TITI Zone ~ v,M --z_o rv (;, i Eastng N01lhif1g A6 Elevatlon Top Casing: of of !~----~' m.(wASL +I- ml® A7 Accuracy of GPS: ~-------~ AB Purpose Wens of Iii D Domestic Test Well Irrigation D D Envir 'I.----=--------• 0 O Commercial Municipal Observation - Water Lev Other D D el (please idonlify use) 0 O Industrial Agricultural Public/Recrealional 0 I I LOG OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS OF /All depths a,o - sumw, . QIOUIJd .--,oprlare .,,,;15, use <»scrfplon. provldsdJ 1r.ce"c Slt.T 1~fJ_. t,-ugr,-IJ ·•oma· .e 10· 20"" (J SAND~ gr.."'9J;I EXAMPLE ~il""f. .. 'Wn, ~ ClAY, SJlf. , - "'°'51'URE dry l mo.sll J SAND. GRAVEL -.,1Sltldylgnwt,;20 :JO":. (to $11)/SANOJ u,.,..,,(-, :fld&/\fJlll9R.~~ C086LE S, BOULDERS, BE~ " Mtduttrf0t•M:flgra..,r35-50~ HN«.Vi£ss__s;:.'fJ ""1d /....,.,i-, ONLY ? 1 4 .._,. 11 SAND I ._I ---"'•ac=•,.R'aa.,..:• '--..:•aaomo=slt"'---'I L! ---'""'=..:; --=-=..:;• :a. c_ __ _, 64 Genttll BIS.condaryMat11rt,t1, O.acr1ptlon COk>ur BS Ma\erlal Most Common B7 C..Mtal ~ ~,,__"'1 IJto.,.,-" (,/{h _, ~ l.r ~--' B8 Encountered: Permafrost D D NO ves II depth ( lo: yea, lndlcaled m : •oo /() ,: c::::J c::::J , _ WELL CONSTRUCTION re.,..,.., on P,., zi Dat1W1II IOOSOtJ, Com~eted ~y-y_y __ Y_M_M--0-0~ C2Welllype : • ~..,...,..-,.,_., .,. C1 Drllllng Method Iii A.r Aol•y IC<>'MlfltionalJ O O IJujj 01h01 (p/HS8 spllCi(yJ NlWptlld.,clng:tOrl•~ed" 0 Cable Tool I I Ja OVEFIRJROEN O B EOAOCk 0 Auger IHollow / Siem) Solod Casing, ___ ,.....__ ,...._.._.....,, C7 rlher Commonto C•slng: Rog1Nf,c___,j _ ._ JBentonlfe (l.e.aMlonif•J un1tsJ 111 approp,w m. o tMilstt - SIJt1«• ground ~ (c»pt" Pack Gravel . .@) ir 1d yes, NO 8 : If i, .a1 ert deplh ( m Pack Gravel C13 Mate,ial type: in@,) mm ! ol diameler lnoicale C=:J C=:J C=:J from: to· YES n,alerial: / siica) 1. ( e. Ola: Siu/ Daplh CII from; to: Slot Porlonrtlon Depth Cl1 ,,,,;15} ,. .. ._, cJrr:,. ,. .. ., (dep/hbmwgtoundwrl•ca. lnfonnatlon Well Screen ~Tho• I , 8 .19Ning W\'¥or ~~ or~ Pkloss Adapt D ! 0 co,,_I00) (well Nono nol 0 to D8 Method Abandonment Well Statut. Used 07 _, __ r9,.._ OIiier D Yield Woll Eallmato ned lssk> proper1y well lhe decorM'l Wos ljtt Air •ng D Anal D6 Well Status YES 0 grout? 0en1on1te 1tn w Baling 0 Nol Water Sul)pfy (in uoe) In use D D u. 1tKj Abundm 0 O ~ ONO by Siano 0 {lleck-up) 0 Deepened S. YE Indicate Date: ti f~~:}tf:_,."1 ? ll-:.ortNlllt~ D "' ,.,.,.,.* # "· 0111er-,=-=-----~ Obs•rvation 0 O ~r•1IRecnrdl l1 l~..tf•:t1•t1',e tlku• • ;::: ? OOM ·• 1,a..f"Ondl 0Mt y y y M D D V M DATA Drawdown/Rocovery ol .. Water Well L F1 AND RECORD GROUNDWATER QUALITY TEST PUMPING RecoYcry Orawdown unJIS) cifCM g,ound, beJow dttpfhs (AM appropt1JJlt1 W••L•MI Tmo w.,.,.t.lM!I Tma E1Pumpinglestlntonn.tion ~ tt I fltt J lJ trn/ •oJ tm RECOMMENDATIONS """'' 0 (FWI.) 0(SWL) Pu,rq:i Aecomm. Depp,, 1 1 ) l1m@ I n n YYYYUM 2 2 Wa"" Slatic LeveUSWl.l, Recomm. Pumping Rate· 3 3 ) !(LpSi!@, I hm'® I 4 ? lnlake Set at: Pump rate: providlcloudy Slighdy 0 Testing Bacteria YYYYMMOD NO 0 O laken' Was a sample YES Modoralely lurl>1dlcloudy 0 indicate the yes. II 0erature: of il ¦ l.- ¦ An l Water Chemie.a Well D~infection Grvu-1a0 D DYES Was a sample laken? NO th& t9 ic, ind . yv,s If lhe well dl&inlecled upon complelion IMJ(...llftllDry Was the of Ti.ken Date Sa'!'P!e ~ name s111y ? NO D D lhe PU"1' lnslallallon? YES of _, __ _.II.__ ____ ! ._ Egg / Odour Surces . t-,1 I 1 Company Name: ,;, ony §!aaUe=E=V=E=R=S;;E=p;c;ae=;=a===;a;;,z;==;=e;;e=======l >;,;; I C• Dr•• ol Name H2 ..i --=--- ~1--=-==-= 12 Company Address: 2Z7 Y1A YT Roe opper 101 ,: ofDnlle Mdress HJ B C , \1Vhiteh0t 11"5. ~ eli mialn lom11111on 11 ,onilt . 1 r.: rn uruhtl' o,1ty Pc1 INSTRUCTIONS ADDITIONAL JIO /. c!lnt• (1 Se ftS W,1, ,n. eomr.A thli. lor l~r HKOOIC J, lo i!! win IJJ,a,lco~eting {cl 20 Soc~on and b us.ed o 1 "'c f/PP) /A P·,w.tey •rnJ lnJorrru!Jon 1-'rolocllon of l. onm.,ic F.rww l, ol Oq,a, contact o, alll rn 1 lo: tment o,mation pluH Fcw- ma\lon ca iil.ll! .J i V-uta" wel dalJbaw 11 81 public of untJ W t lnl . lullhe1 inl ltlo , l70J OI l Yukon Bo't 00\letnmofl Vu"-on lt wl 1r ll 3223 7- , 66 (a&n "' ws rc no,ou Wal r cl ~ rologv. o, lc ee tm MilllilY• V1 Vl.iko . n. C a,!Mfll A 2(..(, Whd.ehOtH Ml IWO 1· · •0-408 b l 3223. us conlact 1 0 r~ tt l l I at Pll!uti •nd ~ llta c&.u•• ,..d haw I 3171) , 661-0408 AOO) fl Vllio.Ot'I) co (I f:67•3171. Pt)Ul1•. lft67J T II h (1 n . local llw purpo,.• rt.. unditn•nd ,1 CN !J iJllt E-rr. -J 1S', ·Wah!l,Ae~ou,,:u ' .~ C dt17 (litl/) Fu t')wna, WeD rn S1 gn.;,ihra coH.d,onol,-no,ulin/omufJon.