Well Record 1 2 Page of \(.kon WATER WELL GOYemmenl DRILLERS FORM Well ID: O.partment of Etwttonment W•r RHClllt'CH 8"(1on V• )10 To assigned Environment t>e by Dept. or YukonWalarWtll Re~ry Metric Q Imperial 0 em 270)Whie.hont. 2CI Y~Y1A 4. Please print clearly blue black in or ink. iNSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE FORM 5. Completion and submissKln of this form is responsibility of the 1. Additional lnformatkm is provided bottom this page at the of form on 2. drilling contractor. the 2. Question can directed to Water Resources be at 867 667a3171. 6. Please metric or imperial units for all measurements. specify 3. Al weH construction measurements shall be reported 1 m 0.3 It. to O. Of WELL LOCATION AND OWNER'S INFORMATION Well A1 : (Le. Wei Name '"' ----~~' Optional City No. 2) first C -l O n Name .Uw I N.:1me. omparty e)i-111ment Digatriza. tio A2 Drilled For: ~L~E_c..~ l - t\-W___ _.l ~1 <:X'O I I----------~ .... Sketch olWell Location A3 Street Location:! Address of E:C.'.-10 VA L-l.°E:: Y ~A!?! Well In slcelch, lrom nlcate dislaR:;es p,operty hi, $0J!lic: UeW. ruel i.ra.(a) and tdV'\ t \ Easting Northlng 4i l-)-:r'l.11> of A6 Elevation Top of Casing: '1---~-~I ,@ASL m tt :i, Ll \"\ 3 1..- of A7 Accuracy GPS; ,__ _______ _. +/- m I® A8 Purpose Wells of Iii Domestic Test Well Irrigation Envij ..._..._...,...---- - - D D Commercial Municipal D Observation - Water Other Level {plea se iden1 ity .UM/ D D Industrial Agricultural D Public/Recreational I I LOG OF OVERBURDEN BEDROCK MATERIALS AND (All- a;s b8k>Ngrouna surface, cln:l8app,optla18 aescrtp1ots units. uss p,twlde,© (l.a.Bentonikll Gravel Pack (dtlplh t,e,1ott- gtourwJ suriau. (JWH ch:e eppn,tJiU&I• unttsJ C1S Gravel Indicated : Pack: 0 NO depth ( 11 yea, m@) : : Indicate diamel& of material: I Material type: DYES from c:=:J lo c:=:J ( c:=:J 1n1n1 ir€)s ·1------' Le.silica Well to; , Size Perforation Screen Information ,~ i,.A,w grourtd surface. pw crGJe IIDP'OP'~ia unilsJ l;:17 Depth from: C111 Depth Slot Dia: I 58 Screen .@ ,1.c==::J(m@ c:===:J(m c==:J 11,ou,I mm I,,@., C14O- C15Sc,..,,Material C16ScreenType @ ' S ..---,( .(jj) ..---'-,( c==:Jn""' i;,@, 1 2 Diameter ( Stainless Steel Conhnuous Wire Wrap · m s I@)} D creen L----J L-----J '" , · mm , c::=J. cm D D Steel Louver Screen : ScrNn3.c::=:J{m@ c::=J1d/cloody 0 Dale S!"J'le Toien, name of 1/18 JabotalO<)< , OTurt>id/cioUdy Eledrlcat ConducilYlty: c::=:J US ~I_ . ..,.,....,.· · =-:-·· -~t ~I ___ _. Trace sand present D . pH:i=:J YYYYMMOD D No sand pt'6'8n1 Tampe,atura: i=:J ·c Chemical Analysis of Water Well Olatnfeeuon Was 0 D YES ff yes. lnclcate the a sample taken? NO Gn>-Type Sa _ _ Dale - mp'8 Taken: .. name t o_thtt-~ Was the well upon c001)letlon dlSlnfecled Sally o1 !he pump lnSlalla!IOn7 YES ND 0 Sulphur/ Egg Odou, ..,_I -==,-,,-;:-,--...,,,-!I I~----' ·f ··o~ ·v v ~v o Organic / > Tasia Odour Boolly~sc, ... mo/llOf ...,,d/SJnlfflk/fl. on,e,:I'""; ., ___ I CONSLl.TAkr ' -/il~~-'-1---------~ WELL CONTRACTOR Company I 1 Neme: I - .~ 2CompanyAddress: --=-----==~ 13 Report Aeietence: =========;----' Dale I 4 Aeporl · l· Y Y M M D 0 y · ··y M M . D Q OI EmMonment I. . Per.son inlonnation coolalned lo,m .. mi lhis la col1&ctod unl.ltrf the 111U1hority ol 11\a M:CIPS:\ IP ADDmONAL INSTRUCTIONS ' ' llllormabon ana PrOl«tlun PtlllilCl' (AOPP)Act, ol Sec.lion 20 anti ,onlpllo (o) WIU be used lo ill I Upon~ttilt:lorm, Walft~&~on(V.310), pu~~ 1.M.tlau ol wel ~nd For 1uither lnklfmllllon contillci l>'CAA'ld w,11a ldormalkln. lhe p6nsem,ll01fultto; ~==:~:n°'::"'i, , Me11ege1 ol , al (867) 667·3223, loll lreo within Hydtl)IOtJY Waler RMourr.e6 'rukon 03 , VIA W~ileho,u 'l'\Jk,on, Ca,,ada 2C6 1-800·661-0408 J223. Ext INN tNd aboWi clauu Md PleNe S.. free conlact Ille 10 U& al: ,_ _____________ __. Phurw. (867) 067•3111, Toi {ln'l\lkuri): (1·800i 661-0,(00, i'1J lree locll 31 signature Ol\ll'ler of Well F.,-.- (Soi') ti67•3HIS :W~hlf.~W',IJIJl'CU.90",yk.U eol#cliono/f#1Son.alWorn'Ufllon. E-m.Ml