Well Record Page 1 2 of l \{.kon WATER WELL G0vt1rnmen1 0.pwtn.nl of EnvlR)nl'Mftl Well ID: DRILLERS FORM W... r Resources SecUonV•l10 Y\ikot1WatarW1II R~l5lry To be as s OI Environment 19ned by Dep t. Metric Imperial O @ Boa Z703WhlCIIIIDfM, Yla.onY1A 2C6 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE FORM 4. Please print clearly blue or black ink. in 1. Additional information is provided the of this f on 2. 5. submission form e responsihilily al boltom orm page Completion and of this is th of lo 867 2. Question can be directed Water Resources at 867-3171. the drilling contractor. 3. Al well constructk>n measurements shall reported 0.1 m 0.3 6. specify metric Imperial unils all measurements. be lo or or ft. Please lor .._ _____ _. WELL LOCATION AND OWNER'S INFORMATION A1 Name: Optional (Le.C;tyWellNo.2) Well First Name I I Name La5I Company Ofgamzation Dep:3rtm€ ?tl1 A2 Drtlled For: I Rol'l::A \ a IL...I _l(.:..;;l.A'--'~=S=-E=-=--N _ _.L_ - -L...I --- ----~ Sketch o!Well Location A3 Street Address o!Well Location:! iCM 1Co3Ce ALASKA +4W)" In lkak;h,lndlcal ine, elhianceslromprope,1yl .. p11c r IMlk{a) tui&dlng. idd, fuel and Ple.a .. includeNOflharrow, A4Town/Village/Area/Lott:lu:>, IOC\":t·l, )-\Ai Nla:S JC.I ] A5 . UTM : Coordinates (using handhold GP$) NAD Zone c=J \JT"M 1-011e Rotary (Conwnllonall D1Jly (in use) Not In use Abandoned D c,y ONO 0 0 Sland by (Back-up) Deepened 11 _, w.u t>ocr o...wy YES.-lndlcale fl Date: D Obsemtlon ~ :c:::::::J lrrsulf-:ll'l'ilkl D Ar1H~n c:1nUa,1 --- Y Y Y Y M M D o " F1 Well W.ter Level Drawdown.lR.ecovary DATA PUMPING RECORD GROUNDWATER QUALITY TEST AND (AR~o.fowgn:,ond.arc111~rialel.lf'll5) Orawclown A8C0Yery T,me Wille, Lftl!I watff level Jffle E1 Pumping Tut Information ..... , RECOMMENDATIONS t11lln~ P,,lttl · Pu mp1 ng resr&at1 Da te1 ·''" '"' 0(FWL) ; Reoomm. Pum, o.j,lh O(SWLJ I . 1 1 I l . Stafic Level Wa ter (SVILI Recomm.. Pumping Rate: I ,m,® 3 3 1 - (Lps/1@,J '-----~ 4 4 Pump Lntake Sel at: If flowing, provide rale: 5 5 I l 1vi':r1AR'2z;e7F====, 13 Aoporl Reference: ~===========r--' 1-4 ~•porl Dale: M M O 0 · 1 ~:k · I y y y y YYYYMMOO 1t1 fiubmilted10 'D r lt.Ofr:rwtinmwd , Pe,sonal eonllined on lolm the Accttss 1nlormaoon lhla Is coleci.d undlf 1h111Ulholliy of to ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS .., Ao saa1 IV-Jto tnlormalfan •nd Prol.clion PrillM:y (cl and used ol (ATIPPJ Acl, Soctlon 29 \Ml be lo~•• J, UPon camplelng ~rm, INs , ~.:':,C:~lf~nl puhlic dalab&Mt well "ound Mier nlonTWlon. Foi h•lhef cont,ct lhe ol 1nd l lnlormaiion please or . O0Ylt'MWII 2703. ~I IH II lo 01 VUkon Box Manager 667-3223, ol Hydrok>Qy WIier (867) Rnourcn ,1 Toi Ira. wJNn '1\JkQn Whiahoru.'I\Jkon.CanadaYIA2C6 1-I00-861,