MW14-01A / BH5 / CFD-0402 (Page 1 of 1) Drilling Started: Aug 11, 2014 Northing Coord.: ~6,975,003 Install Completed: Aug 13, 2014 Easting Coord.: ~583,990 Drilling Method: Diamond / HQ Ground Surface: ~1175 m amsl Drilling Company: CYR Drilling Ltd. Logged By: Kaminak Coffee Creek Gold Supervised By: LF/MS Checked By: LF Project #: A362-4 Well: Abandoned RQD Elev.: N/A (%) DESCRIPTION 0 50100 K (m/s) (m amsl) Depth (m) Depth (m) Fracture = Fr Fault = Flt Elev. (m amsl)1175 Packer Test Interval 0 1175 0 GNEISS Weakly oxidised gneiss, biotite schist zones are weakly carbonaceous Biotite schist zones are weakly 20 1155 20 carbonaceous and stongly chloritic 21.7 to 91.6 m Dark mafic / schistose bands are strongly 40 1135 chloritic with moderate carbonate alteration 40 parallel to schistosity 91.6 to 196.17 m *40 m - loss of half of return N/A 60 1115 60 *72 m - some loss of return 80 1095 *80 m - lost circulation (G-Stop used) 80 100 1075 100 *109 m - lost circulation (G-Stop used) *118 m - 121 m inferred fault zone, highly 120 1055 120 fractured with possible 10" core loss around 121 m, circulation lost @ 118 m 140 1035 140 160 1015 160 155.3 - 4E-08 166.0 BIOTITE FELDSPAR SCHIST Strongly chlorite altered biotite schist 180 995 180 GNEISS 179.3 - 3E-08 Dark mafic / schistose bands are strongly 202.0 chloritic with moderate carbonate alteration 200 975 parallel to schistosity 200 EOH @ 202 m Hole position not surveyed. Co-ordinates estimated from CFD-0419 N/A: Borhole not logged for structure 220 220 *Comment from supervising hydrogeologist, all other descriptons provided by Kaminak 03-04-2016 P:\A362-4 (Coffee Gold Project - Hydrogeology)\Data\BH Logs\Quicklog\2014\MW14-01A (CFD 402).bor MW14-01A / BH5 / CFD-0419 (Page 1 of 2) Drilling Started: Aug 20, 2014 Northing Coord.: 6,975,002.66 Install Completed: Aug 27, 2014 Easting Coord.: 583,995.31 Drilling Method: Diamond / HQ Ground Surface: 1177.01 m amsl Drilling Company: CYR Drilling Ltd. Logged By: Kaminak Coffee Creek Gold Supervised By: SK/LF/JY Checked By: LF Project #: A362-4 Water Level: 1083.30 m amsl 03-Sep-14 @ 23:15 (still falling) Well: Collapsed RQD Elev.: 1177.47 m amsl (TOC) (%) DESCRIPTION 0 50100 K (m/s) (mbgs) Depth (m) Depth (m) Fracture = Fr Fault = Flt Packer Interval Elev. (m amsl)1177.01 0 0 OVERBURDEN Surface Casing 1175 ANDESITE Dark blackish green,feldspar phyric dyke, Fr moderate hematite and limonite after mafic groundmass Fr GNEISS Fr Zone: Bleached cream-organge felsic augen 20 gneiss with local ones of biotite schist, 20 Cement Grout Fr 1155 limonite and hematite in groundmass and fractures LIMONITE MATRIX BRECCIA Zone: Bleached orange limonite and clay filled Fr breccia, moderate clay overprint on sericitized and strongly oxized rock FELSIC GNEISS Fr Zone: pale pink to orange augen gneiss, 40 40 Fr Bentonite Pellets limonitic fractures 1135 assumed thickness DIORITE Fr Dark green phyric dyke Fr GNEISS Pink augen gneiss with narrow 30-60 cm Fr bands of chloritic biotite schist, weakly disseminated hematite, minor limonite on Fr N/A N/A fractures 2" Sched. 40 PVC 60 60 Bleached orange white augen gneiss with 1115 minor 30 cm bands of biotite schist, moderate limonite and hematite in fractures and in groundmass, narrow crackle or fault at 46.4 to 46.5 m Fr Fr Pale pink to grey augen gneiss, weak to moderate hematite dusting throughout, minor limonite on fracture faces 54.1 to 82.8 m Fr 80 80 Suspected Void 1095 Pale bleached orange augen gneiss Fr 82.8 to 84.5 m Fr Pink to grey felsic gneiss with local 60 cm Fr intervals of chloritic biotite schist 84.5 to 118.9 m Fr Fr 100 100 1075 Pink massive with little to no augen, gneiss, minor intervals of banded biotite schist, minor oxidation at 131 to132 m. 03-04-2016 P:\A362-4 (Coffee Gold Project - Hydrogeology)\Data\BH Logs\Quicklog\2014\MW14-01A (CFD 419).bor 120 120 MW14-01A / BH5 / CFD-0419 (Page 2 of 2) Drilling Started: Aug 20, 2014 Northing Coord.: 6,975,002.66 Install Completed: Aug 27, 2014 Easting Coord.: 583,995.31 Drilling Method: Diamond / HQ Ground Surface: 1177.01 m amsl Drilling Company: CYR Drilling Ltd. Logged By: Kaminak Coffee Creek Gold Supervised By: SK/LF/JY Checked By: LF Project #: A362-4 Water Level: 1083.30 m amsl 03-Sep-14 @ 23:15 (still falling) Well: Collapsed RQD Elev.: 1177.47 m amsl (TOC) (%) DESCRIPTION 0 50100 K (m/s) (mbgs) Depth (m) Depth (m) Fracture = Fr Fault = Flt Packer Interval Elev. (m amsl)1177.01 120 120 1055 Fr Fr Grey green banded biotite schist with minor Fr felsic gneiss, gradational contacts, weak 140 140 hematite dusting in groundmass 136.0 to 1035 143.5 m Flt N/A N/A Suspected Void Fr 160 160 2" Sched. 40 PVC 1015 Fr Fr Fr Pale pink glassy augen rich gneiss, minor hematite dusting throughout, minor weak oxidation zone at 174.5 to 176.4 m and 180 180 192.8 to 195.7 m Fr 995 Fr Fr Bentonite Pellets 200 200 975 Filter Sand Screen Slough EOH @ 212 m N/A: Hole was not packer tested 220 220 955 03-04-2016 P:\A362-4 (Coffee Gold Project - Hydrogeology)\Data\BH Logs\Quicklog\2014\MW14-01A (CFD 419).bor 240 240