MW14-03B / BH3 / CFD-0442 (Page 1 of 2) Drilling Started: Sep 08, 2014 Northing Coord.: 6,973,196.66 Install Completed: Sep 12 , 2014 Easting Coord.: 582,388.30 Drilling Method: Diamond / HQ Ground Surface: 1095.16 m amsl Drilling Company: CYR Drilling Ltd. Logged By: Kaminak Coffee Creek Gold Supervised By: RC / CB Checked By: LF Project #: A362-4 Water Level: 962.39 m amsl 13-Oct-14 @ 15:41 Well: MW14-03B RQD Elev.: 1096.13 m amsl (TOC) (%) DESCRIPTION 0 50100 K (m/s) (mbgs) Depth (m) Depth (m) Fracture = Fr Fault = Flt Packer Test Interval Elev. (m amsl)1095.16 Stick-up 0 0 1095 OVERBURDEN Surface Casing *Silty sand, ice lenses observed near base HYDROTHERMALLY ALTERED ROCK Strongly oxidised, massive to local weak fracture breccia, clay rich with fault pug from 11.9 to 13.1 m. METACARBONATE Alternating white-grey marble with weak foliation FAULT Crumbly, broken up, clay rich fault pug *Loss of circulation at 17 m 20 20 1075 METACARBONATE Alternating white-grey marble with weak remnant patches of fracture controlled, weak limonite GNEISS Foliated mafic gneiss, facture controlled limonite N/A N/A N/A METACARBONATE White-grey marble with fracture controlled limonite 2" Sched. 80 PVC Cement Grout 40 40 1055 *Loss of circulation at 41 m HYDROTHERMALLY ALTERED ROCK Hydrothermally altered. Monomictic, sub-angular to sub-rounded, fine to medium grained quartz clasts supported in a limonite matrix breccia MEATACARBONATE Banded white-grey marble with strongly altered limonite bands *Minor cave-in at bit change at 54 m 60 60 1035 HYDROTHERMALLY ALTERED ROCK Strongly limonite altered, fine grained monomictic, round marble clasts in a limonite supported matrix METACARBONATE Alternating grey-white and brown limonite altered marble HYDROTHERMALLY ALTERED ROCK Fine-grained, rounded carbonate clasts supported in a limonite altered matrix METACARBONATE Banded white-grey marble with strongly limonite altered bands 03-04-2016 P:\A362-4 (Coffee Gold Project - Hydrogeology)\Data\BH Logs\Quicklog\2014\MW14-03B.bor 80 80 MW14-03B / BH3 / CFD-0442 (Page 2 of 2) Drilling Started: Sep 08, 2014 Northing Coord.: 6,973,196.66 Install Completed: Sep 12 , 2014 Easting Coord.: 582,388.30 Drilling Method: Diamond / HQ Ground Surface: 1095.16 m amsl Drilling Company: CYR Drilling Ltd. Logged By: Kaminak Coffee Creek Gold Supervised By: RC / CB Checked By: LF Project #: A362-4 Water Level: 962.39 m amsl 13-Oct-14 @ 15:41 Well: MW14-03B RQD Elev.: 1096.13 m amsl (TOC) (%) DESCRIPTION 0 50100 K (m/s) (mbgs) Depth (m) Depth (m) Fracture = Fr Fault = Flt Packer Test Interval Elev. (m amsl)1095.16 80 80 1015 GNEISS Mafic gneiss with weak patchy carbonate alteration, fracture controlled limonite and interstitial limonite alteration parallel to foliation ANDESITE Fine grained, dark mafic dyke, fractures and carbonate veinlets with +- limonite and alteration halo 100 100 995 GNEISS Mafic gneiss with minor thin bands of white marble, fracture controlled limonite alteration and selective N/A N/A N/A interstitial limonite replacement MEATACARBONATE Cement Grout Alternating bands of mafic gneiss and marble, 2" Sched. 80 PVC fracture controlled limonite and selective interstitial limonite replacement of marble / gneiss BIOTITE FELDSPAR SCHIST Fine grained, with weak patchy carbonate alteration, white marble bands also present, weak 120 120 975 frature controlled limonite Zone strongly oxidised with weak, patchy carbonate alteration, fracture controlled limonite, local stockwork of limonite fractures 126.1 to130.5 m Patchy, weak fracture controlled oxdation / limonite alteration, weak fracture controlled clay alteration 130.5 to 137.5 m Weak zone. Moderate oxidation / limonite alteration and patchy hematite alteration 137.5 to 152.0 m Bentonite Pellets 140 140 955 Filter Sand Screen EOH @ 152 m *Comment from supervising hydrogeologist, all other descriptons provided by Kaminak 03-04-2016 P:\A362-4 (Coffee Gold Project - Hydrogeology)\Data\BH Logs\Quicklog\2014\MW14-03B.bor 160 N/A: Hole not logged for structure or packer tested 160