MW14-05A / BH11 / CFD-0444 (Page 1 of 2) Drilling Started: Sep 12, 2014 Northing Coord.: 6,972,997.94 Install Completed: Sep 17 , 2014 Easting Coord.: 579,708.14 Drilling Method: Diamond / HQ Ground Surface: 1268.50 m amsl Drilling Company: CYR Drilling Ltd. Logged By: Kaminak Coffee Creek Gold Supervised By: CB/RC Checked By: LF Project #: A362-4 Water Level: 1136.42 m amsl 11-Oct-14 @ 15:45 Well: MW14-05A RQD Elev.: 1269.61 m amsl (TOC) (%) DESCRIPTION 0 50100 (m/s) K (mbgs) Depth (m) Fault = Flt Fracture = Fr Depth (m) Packer Test Interval Elev. (m amsl)1268.50 Stick-up 0 0 OVERBURDEN Surface Casing surface monument 1265 GRANITE Coarse grained, pink-grey granite, local, patchy, weak limonite staining 20 20 1245 N/A 40 40 1225 2" Sched. 80 PVC 60 60 1205 Cement Grout 80 80 1185 100 100 ANDESITE 1165 Fresh andesite intrusion GRANITE Coarse grained, grey-pink granite, predominantly fresh and unaltered with patchy fracture controlled limonite alteration limited to small haloes around 03-04-2016 P:\A362-4 (Coffee Gold Project - Hydrogeology)\Data\BH Logs\Quicklog\2014\MW14-05A.bor 120 120 fractures MW14-05A / BH11 / CFD-0444 (Page 2 of 2) Drilling Started: Sep 12, 2014 Northing Coord.: 6,972,997.94 Install Completed: Sep 17 , 2014 Easting Coord.: 579,708.14 Drilling Method: Diamond / HQ Ground Surface: 1268.50 m amsl Drilling Company: CYR Drilling Ltd. Logged By: Kaminak Coffee Creek Gold Supervised By: CB/RC Checked By: LF Project #: A362-4 Water Level: 1136.42 m amsl 11-Oct-14 @ 15:45 Well: MW14-05A RQD Elev.: 1269.61 m amsl (TOC) (%) DESCRIPTION 0 50100 (m/s) K (mbgs) Depth (m) Fault = Flt Fracture = Fr Depth (m) Packer Test Interval Elev. (m amsl)1268.50 120 120 1145 111.3 - 1 140.0 140 140 1125 N/A 2" Sched. 80 PVC 156.3 - No Flow 160 160 Cement Grout 179.0 1105 Weak zone; weakly oxidised and limonite altered granite 166.6 to 170.7 m Leucocratic granite with weak patchy limonite and clay alteration 170.7 to 156.3 - 1E-09 178.1 m 220.5 Zone, moderately oxidised and limonite 180 180 altered, fracture controlled limonite and clay alteration 178.1 to 182.7 m 1085 Coarse grained grey-pink granite 182.7 to 183.7 m Weak zone, fracture controlled limonite Bentonite Pellets with weak to moderate oxidation 183.7 183.3 - 3E-09 to 185.5 m 200.0 Coarse grained granite with patchy replacement of feldspars by clay and 200 200 chlorite 185.5 to 221 m . 1065 Filter Sand 201.3- 1e-09 Screen 220.5 220 220 EOH @ 220.5 m 1045 N/A: Borehole not logged for structure 1. Packer test performed in unsaturated zone; test analysis is not valid. 03-04-2016 P:\A362-4 (Coffee Gold Project - Hydrogeology)\Data\BH Logs\Quicklog\2014\MW14-05A.bor 240 240