ffi, Ministry Well lDPlate Number: ell Construction Report THOHM,A.:{ CIiAItLING LTD starmp cornP#vR$SffiOresst fl Confirmation/alternative specs. attached CeryULrA ' orrcneliaxJJll8lFffie. El.&sr reo. Ministry Well Tag Number: vlL eAs tr Original well construction report attached Environment tr Well Alteration Report The rd BRITISH on Eanh Ministry of n Well Closure Report Bet ?lac Owner name: Town Prov. _ Postal Code- Mailing address: Street name Well Location (see note 2): Address: Street no. t"r" E. r* -f-ir* Y_**-.*T' @Description ol well location (attach sketch, if nec.): @eto, t-rrcI_az _ A' Longitude: @ urMNorthing,W* . Method ol drilling: B-angtary tr dual rotary tr cable tool tl mud rotary Ll auger LJ orlvrng u Jefilng LJ olner (specrry):Methodofdrilling: $ffrfptary trdual rotary trcabletool trmudrotary trauger trdriving trjetting Dother(specify): orientationofwel]:fu(errcaltrhorizontalGroundelevation:,-ft(asl)Method(Seenote5):- Class of wett (see note o1: --Lt] a-!1.]t=_-3 I / fl l* Sub-class of well: ,;;;;;;;;ilffiilil;;*'*;;;;'tem trirrisation dr -Nad--ilAa*-Sf.;L- ^nri^torindustriar nother(speciry):- '--*- Lithologic description (see notes 8-13) or closure description (see notes 14 and 15) Colour Hardness Water Content 0bservations Surficial Material Bedrock Material (e.9. other geological materials (e.9. boulders), est. water bearing flow (USgpm), or closure details) : :q:5 d <19i b o 5- B :o I @-:o !A = q1) o 2:='.-E: r z o n 3: E From : To E: B:9 o 6:* -.Er E E ft (bsl) , ft (bsl) 6 o10 o: >!o 0