sheet __ of __ WEllFORM Impact Drllllnu 1&1-111-110 6'; -12"- P m!_Vyate i:_','.l'Jl~.!-- JJ p-\nSia\\ a'tion •Exploration• Dual Rotary Air Rig• Pilings Ownername: r 1- . ·, r'I... .. L I 1, _ l\ Malling address: _____ ___....,1.\_ City /Town~ . .~ - ~ -(ti L" Prov /Terr Postal Code -- _ _ _ _ : < ) . Well location Address Street Street No ':::I ~, name t"'.( "'J -, 1:1 C.l\;d " City/ Town C-"'t ,. ;, bi/,, / C, i @ID legal description: lot Plan ____ D.l. ____ Block @ID PID: Description of well location (attach sketch tt nee.): _J W i2 ' ,,.J. ,,, l~ SI ~l Finished well depth ft (bgl) : t'ictl : ; : ft (bgl) in Other (specify):-------- Total duration ---hrs Fina1's up 9 '' Depth to bedrock L!!!No~te~s==================:.l I / O : ' : WELL YIELD ESTIMATED BY SWL O Estimated well yield ---'-~-USgpm ft (bgl) (specify) D D D : : ft Pumping'-0 Air lifting Bailing Other ------ Artesian Artesian flow ----- USgpm, or pressure: ___ hrs Rate ________ USgpm Durtatlon _____ well cap: L c.),( '"1 Well disinfected (w-(e's No Type of a : : : D water Pumping SWL before test (bloc) (bloc) level ft : : Where ID plate is attached: well ft OBVIOUS WATER QUALITY CHARACTERISTIC$ WELC CLOSURE INFORMATION .",'. ' Fresh Salty Cloudy Sediment Gas Reason for closure ______________ D D .cklear D D D : _ Water : D : D D ed Colour/ Odour: sample collected Method closure Poured Pump of Material a )\ • • - , : _ WELL DRIUER (p rint de rly Sealant _____ Backfill material: _____ , k \ of closure ':, ,(" ..,.___ II \/I Ir -• c1/v' Details _______________ \ : _ Name (flrat, last): _ Consultant (if applicable; name & company) ________ of Signature Driller Responsible : i In a PLEASE NOTE The nformatioo recorded this well report describes Ih works and hydrogaologlc condlllons at the the time of constructioo, alleratloo as case may be. Well yield or closure wen performance and water quality are not quaranteed they are ln fivenced by number ctors, Including natural rlablllty, human activities condition of th works, which as of and may a fa va e ' change over time. WHITE: CUSTOMER COPY COPY COPY t t YELLOW: YTG PINK: DRILLER