sheet __ __ of WEllFORM Impact Drllllnu 861-668-&943 6" • • • • • • 12" Water Wells Pump Installation Exploration Dual Rotary Air Rig Pilings Owner name: s;' '"j \ v, , , ·b Malllng address: ____________ City/ Town: 14! b ,:kl av~ o Prov./Terr.~ Postal Code ____ _ st- O Well Location Address: Street Street No. L I ii name Cc, '" v"S y< ol L City/Town Le (J.,t e, ,e G /{ Legal description: Lot Plan ____ D.L. ____ Block PID: Description of well location (attach sketch nee ): __ J 0-'--.JC ' ~ _ _ _ _ _ ...Ll. '--'-C\=Uo..:,:-' ,,_e±:r....___,:h~<.J_,u'--'S,._,.S;, . A , v 11r )( C:: <.) ' 1 7' Q NAD 83: Zone: _______ 'ANij'I UTM Eastlng: O'.'l}5:/ / ':{ < l fi r,;;;'1 Latitude: . m l!!!!!!I UTM Northing: 6 6ft I 1c, 53 0 rJ 111 l!!!!J Longitud VTM "2.-DN-f-- D D D D D D D Method of drilling: air rotary D dual rotary rotary cable tool mud auger driving jetting oi S-111/-0o c _ Orientatlonofwell:li)-vertical Ground elevation 1 '-< 'i "" ft(asl) Method: _ _ Class well: ______________________ of /,,(f'llt,9,0r-J j Water supply wells, indicate water use: liJ.(rfvate domestic water supply system irrigation commercia D D D ~- other (speclty) D - LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION Surficial Material Bedrock Material Water Content Hardness Observations Color (e.g. other geological , materials boulders) (e.g. est. water bearing flow . (USgpm) or closure From i To details) ft (bgl) (bgl) j ft ,'\ i -, o:o:o,oioioio oioioioioioioio oioioi loioioio oioioio oioioioioio -:; :/ .· ' , lla"llir • . ~ / lifting Surging Jetting ~umping Bailing Total depth drilled: /Cf . 7 Fi ell depth: fl "f ft D D D ft(bgl) 1 2 (specify) -------- Total duraUon: .. .,!;i\l~qk.up 1',,' ., t '&:' ,,,_.,,,in Depth to bedrock q Other : - .- -_ -, - ~ , ' ,, ,., : (bgl) ft ·. . "'' 5 2 .c' (bgl) Notes .. -- A•...,>ll,,, SWL: Estimated well yield 2 ,,; : ' ft USgpm WELL YIELD ESTIMATED BY' . II]1>umping Bailing D Other (specify):______ Artesian flow:----- USgpm, or Arte~ia.l}.~ressure: ___ ft : : of Rate ________ USgpm Durtation: _____ hrs Type cap L K- l{ D 'f Well dislnfect~d: P,Yes No well ~ ft ft water well SWL before test (btoc) Pumping level: (btoc) Where ID plate Is attached: : J' WELL OBVIOUS WATER QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS CLOSURE INFORMATION ;· -' I . ' ' Clear D D D D D D Fresh Salty Cloudy Sediment Gas Reason for closure: 1 \ 1 \ of closure: Colour/ Odour: Water sample collected Method Poured Pumpe~ '-J D D D : - • WELL DRILLER (prJ nt cleartyl '. Sealant Material: _____ Backfill material:------ 11 _ of closure: .,._, 11[[ , Tl: / Details _______________ V , Name (first, last): Consultant (if applicable; name & company) _______ TL_ __ DATE OF WORK,/wvv/rnm/dd) '.l . - q' _ Completed 4--1 d _ .. .....,_ _._ '7 ""'-' C\ )_-1- Started: . \ \ ' •• • of Signature Y1 l ' Comments: (J Driller Responsible d , , or closure works PLEASE NOTE: The information recorded in this well report ll-r1bes the the the and hydrogeologic conditions at time of co_nstruclion alte~tion as case may be. Woll yield well and and as may performance quality are are not quaranleed th Influenced by number factors, Including natural varlab11ity, human actlv1tlas condltmn the works, Which a water ~ of of change over time. WHITE: CUSTOMER _ I : I COPY COPY COPY YEUOW YTG PINK: DRILLER \ ' , I ,I