PROJECT: BORING ID: KM 1728 Mine Reclamation CSW-16-08 LOCATION: WELL ID: Wellgreen MW-16-04 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: NORTHING:EASTING: Midnight Suns Drilling, Inc 6820674 589178 GROUND SURFACE ELEV. (masl): DRILLING EQUIPMENT: TOC ELEVATION (m ags): Air Rotary 793.7 794.5 TOTAL DEPTH (m): DRILLING METHOD: WATER DEPTH (m bgs): 9.25m 1.78m LOGGED BY: SAMPLING METHOD:DATE STARTED:DATE COMPLETED: Kurt Neunherz Composite grabs Aug-2-2016 Aug-2-2016 Graphic Description Well Construction Log Depth (m) -1 -1 Casing 0 0 Concrete Solid Pipe Sand with gravel, some silt, traces of clay, dark olive brown, damp, loose. Bentonite 1 1 2 2 Silt with sand, traces of gravel and clay, dark olive brown, damp, loose. 3 3 4 4 Slotted 5 5 Pipe Sand Sand with gravel, some silt, traces of clay, dark olive brown, very moist, loose. Wet silt lenses, wet sand lenses. 6 6 7 7 8 8 Silt & Clay, some sand, gravel, dark olive brown, moist, loose. EOH=9.25m. 9 9