2007 October 02 Please read "EOSD-Metadata.105D_lc_1.html" for a description of what this data is and where it comes from. Although that particular record is specific to the EOSD which covers NTS 105D, it is generally applicable to the dataset as a whole also (e.g. Landsat row/path numbers change as does the NTS title). Changes other than recorded in the metadata are: The EOSD tiles were reprojected to Yukon Albers by Environment Yukon, and some tiles bordering NWT have slight variations using imagery more suitable for Yukon. Marcus.Waterreus@gov.yk.ca -------------------------------------------- Habitat/Remote Sensing Technician Habitat Management Department of Environment (V-5R) Government of Yukon 867-667-3739 mbwater@gov.yk.ca -------------------------------------------- For ftp and web site enquiries please see contact: Matt.Wilkie@gov.yk.ca -------------------------------------------- Geographic Information, Information Management and Technology, Yukon Department of Environment 10 Burns Road * Whitehorse, Yukon * Y1A 4Y9 867-667-8133 Tel * 867-393-7003 Fax http://environmentyukon.gov.yk.ca/geomatics/ --------------------------------------------