============================================================================== Buglist for LIMS 50k Albers Arc Coverages * Begun 27 July 2k by mhwilkie ============================================================================== This document reflects the errors discovered by the Renewable Resource GIS Section in the 1:50,000 NTDB data recieved from LIMS (summer 2000). If you have any questions contact Matt.Wilkie@gov.yk.ca or Gerry.Perrier@gov.yk.ca Newest entries are at the top. See CHANGES.TXT for changes which aren't bugs. You also want to cross-reference with the shapefile NTDB-BUGS located in '\arcdata\50k\lims\' for spatially locating specific changes to the NTDB base data (eg. such'n'such a creek crossed a mountain divide and was seperated/deleted). =========================================================================== ERROR: Tiles where FNEAT.AAT incorrectly reports elevations as metric Z_units: 116A13 116A14 116A15 116A16 116A12 106D06 106D07 106D04 115P04 115P03 115I13 115I14 105L13 105L14 105L15 105L16 115I09 105L12 105L10 105L09 105L05 105L07 105L08 115I04 115I02 105L04 105L03 105K04 105E14 105G14 105F13 105G13 115G09 105E09 105G11 105G12 115G08 105E03 095C16 095C15 095C14 095C13 095C09 095C10 095C11 095C12 095C07 095C06 095C05 095C01 095C02 095C03 095C04 105L11 STATUS: fixed 22 Sept 2k, mhw =========================================================================== ERROR: Tiles where FNEAT.AAT incorrectly reports elevations as metric Z_units: 115o13 115n10 105b09 105b15 105b10 115f10 115f09 115k08 115k09 115j** STATUS: fixed 20 Sept 2k, mhw ******************************************************************************** * Fork Point, 19 Sept 2k. Library written to Jaz and given to Manon. ******************************************************************************** =========================================================================== ERROR: Contour elevations are wrong (or at least don't match adjacent neighbours) 116j01 STATUS: resolved, discovered 19 Sept 2k, mhw, fixed Nov-2k, mhw NOTES: looks as if contours drawn at 20 meter intervals were tagged as if they were 10 meter intervals. Tiles to the right are 10m while left, above and below are 20m. The only contour so far which matches adjacent tiles is the 400m hypso to the left of the river valley =========================================================================== ERROR: Tiles where FNEAT.AAT incorrectly reports elevations as metric Z_units: 095d12 095e04 116b06 STATUS: fixed by mhw, 18 Sept 2k =========================================================================== ERROR: Any contour (FCTR) covers which don't have points also don't have the correct attribute definitions. This causes functions like Append & Library Inserts to fail. STATUS: fixed by mhw, 14 Sept 2k SCRIPTS: %library%\scripts\fix-ctr-pnts.aml =========================================================================== ERROR: Tiles where FNEAT.AAT incorrectly reports elevations as metric Z_units: 116p01 095e12 095d04 105d03 105c04 115a01 116b14 116p01 115a08 115a10 105d04 105c03 105c11 105c12 116b11 095d05 105a07 095e05 STATUS: fixed by mhw, 13 Sept 2k =========================================================================== ERROR: FICE projection definitions are wrong: 61 39 60.000 instead of 61 40 0.000 STATUS: fixed by mhw, 27 July 2k SCRIPTS: %library%\scripts\fix-project.aml NOTES: &s cov = fice &s template = z:\arcdata\50k\lims\database\fneat &wo z:\arcdata\50k\lims\ /* for all NTS sheets which start with 0 (eg 094N) &do quad &list [listfile 0* -directory] &wo %quad% &do %tile% &list [subst [quote[listfile *.log -file]] .log] &if [exists %cov% -cover] &then &call prj_copy &end &wo .. &end /* for all NTS sheets which start with 1 (eg 105A) &do quad &list [listfile 1* -directory] &routine prj_copy &describe %cov% &ty ... First parallel for [show workspace]\%cov% is %prj$sp1% &if %prj$sp1% = '61 40 00.0000' &then &return /* projectcopy cover %template% cover %cov% &return =========================================================================== * End of File * ===========================================================================