============================================================================== Change list for LIMS 50k Albers Arc Coverages * Begun 27 July 2k ============================================================================== This document reflects the changes the Renewable Resource GIS Section has made to the 1:50,000 NTDB data recieved from LIMS (summer 2000). If you have any questions contact Matt.Wilkie@gov.yk.ca or Gerry.Perrier@gov.yk.ca Newest entries are at the top. For items which say "fixed bug..." see BUGLIST.TXT for more details. You also want to cross-reference with the shapefile NTDB-BUGS located in '\arcdata\50k\base\' for spatially locating specific changes to the NTDB base data (eg. such'n'such a creek crossed a mountain divide and was seperated/deleted). A list of things remaining to be completed is at the bottom. =========================================================================== 04 Dec 2k * mhw Added 50k DEMs and Relief (hillshade) images to repository structure: ...\\\fdem /* Digital Elevation Model ...\\\fshd /* Shaded Relief Created image libraries for same: ...\50k\lims\info\50kdem ...\50k\lims\info\50kshade 01 Dec 2k * mhw Merged watercourses and contours updated in the 50k DEM Project back into the repository. *ALL* watercourses are changed (chief change: streams flipped so that they all run downslope); only some contours are changed -- see NTDB-BUGS for specifics. *** Fork Point, 19 Sept 2k. Library written to Jaz and given to Manon. 14 Sept 2k * mhw Fixed bug with inconsistant contour point attributes 13 Sept 2k * mhw fixed a bunch of contour elevations who thought they were metric ## Aug 2k * mhw added Z_metric attibute to all contour covers (FCTR) converted feet to metric as indicated by FNEAT.AAT 27 July 2k * mhw fixed some incorrect projection definitions Earlier * mhw Created an ArcInfo Library to hold all the LIMS data Used a coverage from NRCAN to add NTS Names to all of the tiles =========================================================================== TODO =========================================================================== -fill in missing/blank NTS Names in Index =========================================================================== * End of File * ===========================================================================