Esri EzLAS (v1.2.4, 64-bit edition) Report ========================================= Input: . Output: . Sub-folders: NO Temp: . Overwrite: YES Process: Compress Import PRJ: NO Rearrange: NO Point spacing: Estimated by scanning file. Start time: 15:45:06 (2020/07/07) Elapsed time: 3.04 seconds. CPU power usage: 100% (24 threads) Stop on file error: YES Points processed: 3,846,849 Files processed: 4 Skipped files: 0 Invalid files: 0 PRJ files copied: 5 PRJ files imported: 0 PRJ files failed to import: 0 WARNING: Process cancelled by the user!!! ========================================= >>> File: .\536000_6675000_BE.las Point spacing: 0.826 Has up-to-date statistics: YES Points already rearranged: YES PRJ file exists and has been copied to the output location. Compression ratio: 0.20 (source = 2,691,752, target = 540,416) >>> File: .\536000_6676000_BE.las Point spacing: 0.785 Has up-to-date statistics: YES Points already rearranged: YES PRJ file exists and has been copied to the output location. Compression ratio: 0.22 (source = 42,465,584, target = 9,392,757) >>> File: .\536000_6677000_BE.las Point spacing: 0.782 Has up-to-date statistics: YES Points already rearranged: YES PRJ file exists and has been copied to the output location. Compression ratio: 0.22 (source = 38,872,680, target = 8,635,995) >>> File: .\536000_6678000_BE.las Point spacing: 0.865 Has up-to-date statistics: YES Points already rearranged: YES PRJ file exists and has been copied to the output location. Compression ratio: 0.22 (source = 23,688,812, target = 5,329,579) >>> File: .\536000_6679000_BE.las Point spacing: 0.888 Has up-to-date statistics: YES Points already rearranged: YES PRJ file exists and has been copied to the output location. Compression ratio: 0.00 (source = 13,721,204, target = 0)